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We can help reduce your risk. 

Insurance Industry

Provide training and guidance to Property Casualty underwriters for professional level understanding of how homes ignite and burn during wildfire. Learn what is needed and where on given properties.
Discover resources that can help homeowners unite for mutual improvement of their home’s survivability.   Insure that assessments and action plans for homeowners make sense for the risks they face and options for getting that work done.
Guidance for Insurance Companies working with “Private Wildfire Suppression” companies. How to ensure that you are getting what you need.
Helping Insurance Companies get their private suppression resources into the Incident, make sure they operate safely, and that there is professional level liaison with Incident Management Teams.

Fire Service

Training for Paid/Volunteer departments in how to work with their communities to maximize preparedness. Integrating Operations and Preparedness to increase effectiveness of both areas while improving Firefighter safety. Assistance with “Ready, Set, Go” projects and activities.

Training and workshops for Fire Prevention/Community outreach efforts related to community protection and wildfire risk reduction.


Assistance with community organization for wildfire preparedness, assessments and action plan development. Guidance on what resources may be available to get needed work done. Help with prioritizing work for the most impact towards reducing risk. Workshops for homeowners on risk reduction activities that are science based and make a difference.
Helping HOA/POA’s develop wildfire preparedness CC&R’s.

Individual Homeowners

Creating effective work in Home Ignition Zones to accepted standards. Training on how to organize neighborhoods for Firewise USA recognition. Workshops for homeowners on risk reduction activities that are science based and make a difference.


Provide guidance and liaison for crews needing to operate in active fire areas. Ensure close coordination with Incident Management Teams. Assistance with Wildfire Management Plans related to utility crews and private fire protection assets for critical infrastructure protections.

Local Government

Assistance in working with communities, workshops and training for public employees engaged with communities to assist in wildfire risk reduction messaging and engaging the public to prepare

Tom Welle is a gifted professional and has been an indispensable guide and mentor in our wildfire mitigation and preparedness efforts. His extensive field expertise and deep understanding of the wildland urban interface helped us educate and motivate our residents. As program manager of NFPA® Sites of Excellence program, he guided and inspired wildfire mitigation efforts within and among individual sites across seven states. Tom’s commitment to information sharing and collaboration inspired successful development of a northern El Paso County local/regional wildfire coalition of HOA’s, fire district, county and state offices, and regional non-profit organizations.

Dave Betzler and Dave Pheteplace – FireWise Committee Red Rock Ranch HOA / NFPA Sites of Excellence, 2019-2020, Monument, CO

I had the pleasure of working with Tom Welle as part of the NFPA®s Firewise Sites of Excellence initiative. Tom has extensive knowledge about wildfire preparedness, but more importantly, he has as a proven track record of effectively transferring his knowledge to others to help them and their communities prepare for and survive a wildfire.

Peter Kloeber – Firewise Committee Chair, Forest Highlands and Board Chair, Highlands Fire District Flagstaff, AZ

Tom has provided our Fire District with diverse wildland urban interface expertise, helping us to plan and implement forest fuels mitigation and create sustainable Firewise communities.

Dirch Foreman – Fire Chief, Highlands Fire District, Flagstaff Ranch Fire District Flagstaff, AZ

Tom Welle has a uniquely deep and broad understanding of the complex problem of wildfire disasters, and the skill set to help communities and businesses greatly reduce their risk of disruption and loss. Of the many individuals I have worked with over 20 years in wildfire safety, Tom stands out for his knowledge of the solutions, passion for disaster prevention, and commitment to creating ignition-resistant communities.

Michele Steinberg, Wildfire Division Director, National Fire Protection Association